Really your mind is similar to a piece of chewed chewing-gum or a gum-ball. Almost all of the time, as like as a piece of chewed chewing-gum or a gum-ball, your mind sticks or adheres to whatever you see beautiful, whatever you hear nice, whatever you smell sweet and pleasant, whatever you eat and feel tasty, whatever you touch smooth, whatever you feel or sense happy or comfortable and whatever you think good or positive. Whenever your mind gets released or freed from one sticking or adhering, it sticks or adheres again to another beautiful seeing, nice hearing, sweet or pleasant smelling, tasty eating or feeling, smooth touching, happy or comfortable feeling or sensing or good or positive thinking. These happen then to another and to another. These transitions from one to another and again from one to another and again from one to another occur or proceed continuously without stopping or an end throughout your whole life. These all kinds of sticking or adhering of your mind to different and different kinds of beautiful seeing, nice hearings, sweet or pleasant smelling, tasty eating or feelings, smooth touching, happy or comfortable feelings or sensing or good or positive thinking are similar to elastics those which bind or tie a sprinter to a post at the start. If a sprinter who is at the start, ready to run and expects to reach the win-post first and to get the victory is bound or tied to a post at the start with thousand or more elastics, as soon as he starts to run he must happen to run towards the win-post while inducing an extra opposite force against the thousand or more elastics. While he performs both trying to run and applying an extra opposite force to drag elastics towards the win-post together, elastics pull or drag him back towards the post at the starting vice versa. If this happens continuously, the sprinter may not be able to reach the win-post first and get the victory at all. This is same as you, your mind, those sticking or adhering and your spiritual targets or your actual win-post. If those thousand or more elastics are cut one by one by using scissors, the sprinter also will be able to spend less and less force or strength and run faster. The less the bindings of elastics means the less the force or strength and the faster the running. And the sprinter is closer to the win-post and to get the victory. If all thousand or more elastics are cut, there are no more bindings or ties and the sprinter definitely will be at the victory. This is also the same as you, your mind, those sticking or adhering and your spiritual targets or your actual win-post. In your case, the sprinter is you or accurately your mind. The post at the start is your foolishness or unawareness or ignorance. Elastics are those sticking or adhering of your mind to different and different kinds of beautiful seeing, nice hearings, sweet or pleasant smelling, tasty eating or feelings, smooth touching, happy or comfortable feelings or sensing or good or positive thinking. The win-post or victory is your spiritual targets. The race is your spiritual odyssey. And the scissors is your awareness or perception. Everything that mentioned above is just a one of simple facts about the human mind and human-being in the universe. So, you will make an effort to win the race and to get the victory and to find your place in the Universe.