When you and I are physically hungry in stomach, we can satisfy or nullify the hunger by eating some food for a long time until next meal. But when we are hungry or greedy in mind, satisfying or nullifying that hunger or greediness is very difficult and critical. When we are physically hungry, the hunger comes through the stomach in one way due to physical, chemical activities and activities of enzymes and body and we can satisfy or nullify it by eating some food for a long time until next meal. But when we are hungry or greedy in mind, the hunger or greediness comes through the mind in six ways. Because of that, it is very, very difficult and critical to satisfy or nullify this mental hunger or mental greediness even for a short while and this mental hunger or mental greediness is endless. But the physical hunger which comes through the stomach can be satisfied or nullified by putting enough food into the stomach until next meal. Earlier we told that this mental hunger or greediness which comes through the mind comes in six ways. One way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to see nice visions or nice scenes or nice pictures and not to see bad visions or bad scenes or bad pictures. Another way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to hear nice sounds and not to hear bad sounds or intolerable sounds. Another way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to smell good or nice smells or odors and not to smell bad smells or bad odors. Another way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to taste good or delicious tastes and not to taste bad tastes. Another way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to feel or sense smooth or favorable touches or sensations and not to feel or sense or to avoid acrid or bitter or unfavorable touches or sensations or pains. And the last way that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind is as willingness or desire or craving or passion to feel or sense good or happy thoughts or feelings or emotions and not to feel or sense bad or unhappy thoughts or feelings or emotions or not to feel or sense sadness or sufferings or mental pains. These are the six ways that this mental hunger or mental greediness comes through the mind. Actually this mental hunger or mental greediness is a desire or a craving or a passion or a willingness which has a very great attractive power towards those objects which are sensed through the above explained six ways by the mind. Here, above mentioned objects are visions or scenes or pictures, sounds, smells or odors, tastes, touches or sensations and thoughts or feelings or emotions. One may think that visions or scenes or pictures are sensed by eyes, sounds are sensed by ears, smells or odors are sensed by nose, tastes are sensed by tongue, touches or sensations are sensed by body, specially including skin and sex organs and thoughts or feelings or emotions are sensed by brain. Actually that is wrong. Here we have to look forward in a more advanced way. Really what happens here is that visions or scenes or pictures are caught by eyes, sounds are caught by ears, smells or odors are caught by nose, tastes are caught by tongue, touches or sensations are caught by body, specially including skin and sex organs and thoughts or feelings or emotions are caught or sensed by brain and all of those objects are sensed, perceived, analyzed, understood, responded and reacted by the mind or universal existing energy cloud or UEEC. So, visions or scenes or pictures, sounds, smells or odors, tastes, touches or sensations and thoughts or feelings or emotions are finally sensed, perceived, analyzed, understood, responded and reacted by the mind and therefore that above mentioned mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness arises from the mind through the above explained six ways. Once I told that this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness is endless. Before we saw that physical hunger which comes through the stomach can be satisfied or nullified by putting enough food into the stomach for a long time until next meal. But this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness can never be satisfied or nullified in such a way. As soon as it is satisfied or nullified once, it arises again and again endlessly from the mind. As an example, if you saw a nice picture of a girl or a boy, you may need to see a nice picture of another beautiful girl or handsome boy or a naked picture of one of them or more different another picture or completely different vision or scene or picture and so on at next moment. This happens endlessly. If you heard a nice Sinhalese (the main language used in Sri Lanka) song, you may need to hear an English or Hindi (a language used in India) or Tamil (the language used by Tamil people) song or a nice fairy tale or a word from a familiar one and so on at next moment. This too happens endlessly. If you smelt a smell of a rose, you may need to smell a smell of a jasmine or an odor of French cologne or a smell of a nice frying food and so on at next moment. This too happens endlessly. If you tasted an ice-cream, you may need to taste a chocolate or a mango or a pizza and so on at next moment. This also happens endlessly. If you felt or sensed a cold weather, you may need to feel or sense a hot weather or warmth of the spouse or a warmth of a new different opposite mate or a touch of a smooth hand and so on at next moment. This happens endlessly too. And if you felt or sensed a happiness of a victory, you may need to feel or sense a joy of a nice journey or a happiness of a nice word from your fiancé or fiancée or a happiness of another thought or feeling or emotion and so on at next moment. This happens endlessly as well as. Not only in this positive way, but also in the negative way of this, that means that avoiding bad visions or scenes or pictures, bad or intolerable sounds, bad smells or odors, bad tastes, acrid or bitter unfavorable touches or sensations or pains and bad or unhappy thoughts or feelings or emotions or sadness or sufferings or mental pains, happens endlessly. Thus mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness arises endlessly, again and again through above explained six ways. Because of all those facts and matters, it is very difficult and critical to satisfy or nullify this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness even for a short while. But we know that physical hunger which comes through the stomach can be satisfied or nullified by eating enough food for a long time until next meal. And also this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness differs from person to person or from individual to individual. This mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness depends on the different natures of each person’ or individual’s mind or UEEC. The nature of the mind or universal existing energy cloud or UEEC differs from person to person or from individual to individual. This mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness of some persons or individuals for above explained different objects is very weak or very low. This mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness of some persons or individuals for above explained objects is weak or low. (From here onwards this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness is alone called as mental hunger). This mental hunger of some persons or individual is moderate or mean. This mental hunger of some persons or individuals is high or strong or severe. This mental hunger of some persons or individuals is very high or very strong or more severe. The mind of some persons or individuals is condensed or congested with this endless mental hunger. The mind of some persons or individuals is much free from this mental hunger. Because of these differences due to the different natures of each person’s or individual’s mind, the opportunity for satisfying or nullifying this mental hunger varies. So, this mental hunger is more and more complicated than physical hunger. Likewise we know that physical hunger ends forever with the death of the relevant person or the relevant individual. Or in other words, physical hunger exists only for or during this existence. But, according to my understanding and knowledge of the life, the world and the universe, this mental hunger exists beyond this life or existence because this arises from the mind and the mind exists beyond this life or existence. The mind or the universal existing energy cloud (UEEC) in other words, is some kind of energy cloud which came from the past or previous lives or existences and exists in this life or existence and will exist in future lives or existences other than this life or existence. According to the scientific or universal laws for energy, the energy can never be destroyed or created and can only be transformed from one energy variety into another energy variety and because of this, the energy cloud of the mind is permanent and therefore the mind existed in the past, exists at the present and will exist in future. So, the mind came from the past, exists at the present life or existence and will exist in future lives or existences. Therefore, this mental hunger which arises from this very mind belongs to the past lives or existences, to the present life or existence and will belong to future lives or existences. So, the mind and this mental hunger which arises from this very mind of a present person or individual is a result of his or her past or previous lives or existences and the mind and the mental hunger which arises from the mind of his or her future lives or existences after deaths will be a result of his or her past or previous lives or existences and his or her present life or existence. When we consider all these, this mental hunger also has come from the past or previous lives or existences, exists during this life or existence and will go to future lives or existences with the mind after deaths. On the other hand, we earlier mentioned that this mental hunger has a very great attractive power towards above explained objects. The more mental hunger arises from the mind or UEEC, the more very great attractive powers towards those objects. And the more very great attractive powers towards those objects, the more mental hunger arises from the mind or UEEC. Likewise, the less mental hunger which arises from the mind or UEEC means the less very great attractive powers towards those objects. And the less very great attractive powers towards those objects, the less mental hunger arises from the mind or UEEC. Therefore, when this mental hunger is less, it is very easy to satisfy or nullify this mental hunger which arises from the mind or UEEC. And if there is no mental hunger arises from the mind or UEEC at all, then there is nothing to be satisfied or nullified. That may be an amazing, wonderful, exciting, excellent, miraculous, neutral and perfect state although it is very, very difficult to reach. Before we think of that real state, we have to think of another thing. We know that the only thing that almost all of us do knowingly or unknowingly during this whole life or existence is satisfying this mental hunger which arises from the mind or UEEC at different levels. And our future existences will also be like this. There is no and there will be no rest throughout all existences. All the existences of ours are and will be congested and condensed with satisfying this mental hunger. Here we must concentrate on three things. One of them is that if there is or there will be less mental hunger arises from the mind, there will be a rest or freedom for the mind and as a result of that there will be a rest or freedom even for each life or existence of ours in the future and it will also be able to reach that above mentioned amazing, wonderful, exciting, excellent, miraculous, neutral and perfect state. The second of them is that, earlier we understood that this mental hunger has a very great attractive power towards above explained objects and it may be that these attractive forces or powers of mental hunger bring or attract the mind into future life or existence with the hope of satisfying this mental hunger and the mind gives rise to or creates mental hunger or those attractive forces or powers of mental hunger in return. These attractive forces or powers of mental hunger again bring or attract the mind back into another future life or existence with the hope of satisfying this mental hunger and the mind again gives rise to or creates mental hunger and vice versa. This process happens continuously without end through the time. The mental hunger producing nature of the mind as an energy cloud and the energy of attractive forces or powers of mental hunger help to continue this process. But, if there is less mental hunger, there will be less attractive forces or powers and therefore the chance to bring or attract the mind back into future lives or existences by those attractive forces or powers of mental hunger is low. The third one of them is that the reasons for all mental pains, physical pains, mental stresses, mental depressions, all kinds of mental illnesses, most of physical or bodily illnesses, social problems and legal problems of all of ours are un-satisfactions, problems and pressures we gain or receive when we are unable to satisfy this mental hunger and troubles, difficulties, inconveniences, accidents, obstacles and dangers we face when we try to satisfy this mental hunger. So, if there is less mental hunger, there will be less un-satisfaction, problems, pressures, troubles, difficulties, inconveniences, accidents, obstacles and dangers and therefore all mental pains, physical pains, mental stresses, mental depressions, all kinds of mental illnesses, most of physical or bodily illnesses, social problems and legal problems of all of ours will be low. If we try by reducing this mental hunger we will completely be able to be free from these mental pains, physical pains, mental stresses, mental depressions, mental illnesses and physical or bodily illnesses, social problems and legal problems. When we consider all these things, the main and sole reason for all these is this mental hunger. Therefore, if we concentrate on these three things, one main phenomenon is crystal clear. Thus, by reducing or decreasing this mental hunger we must be able to reach the three goals which were discussed under these three things. That is definite. So, the time has come for us to think, understand and decide if we try to follow this way and try to reduce or decrease mental hunger to reach these three goals. It must be a difficult one because it is very different from our normal way. And also we will happen to find very successful ways to do this. All these can be done later. First of all what we must do is to think of that phenomenon and understand that and then decide to follow that way or in other words try to reduce or decrease mental hunger. Then we should find the proper, successful ways to do this and follow them. Here we must be straight, steady, upright and determinate to reach these three goals by reducing or decreasing and nullifying this mental hunger or mental greediness or desire or craving or passion or willingness. Then we must be able to see a new, wonderful and beautiful present life or existence and world in future and better lives or existences hereafter.