When you pursue a goal or target of any kind, may be a mundane or spiritual (super-mundane) goal or target, you must not rely or depend on others or others helps. Others may help you and you may get other’s help. But you must pursue, reach or achieve your goal or target with your own intelligence, wisdom, ability, efficiency, effort and courage. Then you will definitely reach or achieve your goal or target and the victory must be in your hand. And also when you pursue a goal or target, you must never stray among or must never get deluded by temporary tastes, temporary pleasant things, temporary sweet-nesses, temporary pleasures and temporary joys of any kind. All these things make you delay in reaching or achieving your goal or target and prevent you from or stop you reaching or achieving your goal or target. If you strayed among or got deluded by these temporary tastes, temporary pleasant things, temporary sweet-nesses, temporary pleasures or temporary joys of any kind, you will definitely happen to compensate for the results of them by your victory or the results of them will reflect on your victory by losing you from reaching or achieving your goal or target. So you must determine not to stray among or get deluded by temporary tastes, temporary pleasant things, temporary sweet-nesses, temporary pleasures and temporary joys of any kind when you pursue your goal or target and you must determine to reach or achieve your goal or target with your own intelligence, wisdom, ability, efficiency, effort and courage. Then you will shortly and definitely be at your win-post or victory.