According to the diagram 07.06.01-c above, when a quantum of light is considered, it occupies a space in space in terms of length, width, height and therefore a quantum of light has mass. Thus a light quantum encounters a three-dimensional barrier or disturbance or obstruction in its movement through space because a light quantum has space. Therefore, the speed of light is not C2 ,it is reduced to C2  -X or C. Here X is the reduction in the speed of light caused by three-dimensional obstruction caused by light travelling through space. So, here C[C2]= E/M. Thus, due to the three-dimensional obstruction caused by the movement of light in space, the speed of light is reduced by an amount X when light falls perpendicularly at 900 on a 100% reflective mirror. Due to this, some light is reflected on the mirror. Because of this, the light has a single direction. That is, when light is moving forward, the energy is reduced and lost due to three-dimensional obstruction, reflected. Because of this, light does not travel backwards or to the past, and light has only single direction. 

But, as far as mental (psychic) energy or divine energy is concerned, since mental energy or divine energy does not take up space, there is no mass either. That is C2 =E/”0”. M = 0 is. Therefore, there is no three-dimensional barrier or obstruction to mental (psychic) energy or divine energy in travel, and therefore mental energy or divine energy is independent of time and space. That is why mental (psychic ) energy or divine energy can move into the future as well as the past, and thus has a double direction.

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