Before this, I mentioned in my website that usually people get knowledge through reading, studying, researches, self-experiences, watching television, listening to radio and others and through internet. I also get knowledge through these ways. In addition to these ways, there are other two special ways through which I get knowledge. One way is to gain knowledge through dreams while sleeping. I have previously presented how knowledge is gained through dreams and the knowledge I gained through dreams. Thus, the other way I gain knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors is through meditation. Here, after I have been engaged in meditation for a long time, after stopping meditating, when I am in a relaxed meditative mental state, the knowledge of the above matters automatically comes to my mind as self-understanding. Thus, the facts about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors become automatically comprehensible to me. Thus, I translated the knowledge gained through meditation into diagrams or line drawings. Thus, I named the knowledge gained through meditation as “the realizations through meditation”. Thus, there are many diagrams or line drawings that I have summarized the insights gained through meditation. I now hope to present those diagrams or line drawings along with their descriptions and explanations.

                       One of the common features that can be seen in the diagrams or line drawings that summarized the knowledge I have gained through meditation is that the diagrams or line drawings contained in each diagram are surrounded by a red line. By surrounding the diagrams with a red line, I mean that the phenomena or knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors contained in those diagrams operate in this whole universe we are in,  throughout the universe we are in. Also, the date that I received the understanding related to each diagram through meditation and incorporated that understanding into the diagram or line drawing is indicated in each diagram both in normal numbers and in Arabic numerals. As I mentioned above, after meditating, before diagramming the realizations I had while in a relaxed meditative state of mind, I performed a specific common prayer that I have long used in my spiritual research, uniting and uniting my mind with the universe and then those realizations were converted into diagrams. Now, I present those diagrams or line drawings as below, along with their related details and clarifications. I request your kind attention to them.

Using the senses of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, all human-beings or mankind living in this universe can be divided into two main types or two main categories. That is as lower-selves or lower souls and  higher-selves or higher souls. I have given the details of these lower-selves and higher-selves in diagrams or line drawings 05.06.01-a and 05.06.01-b.

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