Now, please look at the 05.06.01-b diagram or line drawing that I drew. It is about the higher-selves or higher souls. These higher souls belong to higher levels of energy and are called as higher universal existing energy clouds or meritorious individuals. The structure of these higher-selves or higher souls also consists of a physical body and an astral body or a divine body. In the higher souls (meritorious individuals) too, this physical body and the divine body are connected to each other by an astral thread or a divine thread. The physical body of these higher souls also operates based on the brain located in the physical body and the astral body or divine body of these higher souls also operates based on the mind cloud or the universal existing energy cloud contained in the divine body. The divine body of higher souls is stronger than the physical body. In higher souls too, the physical body can be female or male, while the divine body is common to both female and male forms. That is, after death, a higher soul can be reborn as a woman or as a man, and the newly born higher soul is the same divine body, whether it is a woman or a man. A physical body can be feminine or masculine. But the divine body is the same. With the death of these higher souls also, the astral thread or the divine thread is broken and the divine body is separated from the inanimate physical body. When the higher-selves do their metabolic activities through the physical body, Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and water (H2O) are produced by burning glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) with oxygen (O2) and physical or bodily energy is generated. This physical energy is used for the functioning of the physical body and Carbon dioxide gas and water are excreted from the body. When the higher souls (meritorious individuals) do meditations, prayers, etc. in their spiritual activities, Carbon dioxide gas and water are produced by combustion of glucose and oxygen and mental energy or divine energy is generated. This mental energy or divine energy continues, strengthening the universal existing energy cloud more and more. Unlike the lower souls, almost all of these higher souls (meritorious individuals) engage in good spiritual activities (meditations, prayers, etc.) over time, increasing their divine energy and entering higher and higher divine planes or approaching Nirvana. Only a very small portion of the higher souls (meritorious individuals) engage in evil deeds and end up in hell after death. This happens very rarely. This is common to both men and women. I have shown in a graph below in diagram 05.06.01-b how the majority of higher souls, indeed almost all, progress by ascending from their dimensions over time to higher and higher divine planes or Nirvana, and rarely a very few higher souls enter lower dimensions and go to hell. Thus, higher souls, over time, descend from the dimensions and enter hell very, very rarely. Not really. 

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