Since the light emitted from the suns, has the characteristics described in diagrams 07.06.01-b and 07.06.01-c above, reflection when the light falls on a normal mirror and back reflection when it falls perpendicularly (at a 900 angle)on a 100% reflective mirror, refraction when the light falls on a refractor and bending of light waves during bending occur. Considering all these facts and according to the characteristics of light described above, light has only one direction or single direction and light travels only forward or only into the future. These facts are shown in figure 10.06.01-a above.

But in the case of mental (psychic) energy or divine energy, having the characteristics discussed in diagrams 07.06 01-b and 07.06.01-c above, mental (psychic) energy or divine energy does not reflect in a mirror, does not refract in front of a refractor, and does not bend in a bend, but directly penetrates or passes directly through them. Because of this mental (psychic ) energy or divine energy is bidirectional or double directional, and therefore mental energy or divine energy can travel in both directions, from the present to backward or to the past and to forward or future. Thus it is bidirectional or double directional. Because of this, when the mental (psychic) energy or divine energy is brought to an advanced level, it can travel infinitely in both directions, i.e. forward and backward or to the future and the past from the present. This is shown in diagram 10.06.01-a above.

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