Let us consider a person named “X” in the universe. This person is on a Samsara (or mundane existence or cycle of transmigrations) journey, spending time and existence in the universe. Let’s take the Universal Existence Energy Cloud (UEEC) or Permanent Mind Cloud (PMC) of this person named “X”. When he or she is alive, both good or meritorious or virtuous emotions, thoughts and feelings and bad or evil or sinful emotions, thoughts and feelings, according to the equation  f ∝ 1/ λ , throughout his or her existence , arise from the universal existence energy cloud (UEEC) or the permanent mind cloud (PMC) . Thus, the resulting bad or evil or sinful emotions , thoughts and feelings are emitted into the universe as rays and a specific plan or memory (blue print) of each bad or evil or sinful emotion , thought and feeling emitted is left in the mind or in the universal existing energy cloud or in the permanent mind cloud. The good or meritorious or virtuous emotions, thoughts and feelings arising in the mind are stored as mental energy or divine energy in the mind or in the permanent mind cloud or in the universal existing energy cloud, and a specific plan (blue print) of every good or meritorious or virtuous emotion, thought and feeling stored in this way is left in the universe. Thus, all the emotions, thoughts and feelings whether good or meritorious or virtuous and bad or evil or sinful, that arise from the universal existing energy cloud (UEEC) or permanent mind cloud (PMC) of person “X” are mental energy or divine energy, and this energy does not go outside the universe, but remains in the universe itself, and this energy works according to the universal laws of energy. The basic universal laws of energy are that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one energy form to another energy form. Thus, the above described mental energy or divine energy which operates according to the basic universal laws of energy, exists in the universe and acts on the same person “X” in a good or bad way. I have described these facts in diagram 02.06.02 – a.   

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