The physical life, if not the physical body ( In fact, the mind or the psyche or the consciousness or the universal existing energy cloud [UEEC] of man , indeed of all living beings is also impermanent), of man, indeed of all living beings is impermanent. That is unstable. That is, this physical life or the physical body does not exist before and arises due to causes, and when the causes disappear, it ceases to exist. That is, this physical life or the physical body is impermanent. The physical body of this being originates at conception or birth (Prathisandhi) and ends at death or passing away (Chutiya). When the physical body of this animal, including man, begins in a womb, an egg, a seed, a spore or elsewhere, it begins with four main parts. That is, the physical body begins in a mother’s womb, an egg, a seed, a spore or any other such place with the four parts of dust or soil (earth)  or elements from the soil (earth) , water, air and energy (heat) from the external environment. This physical body that starts like this is nourished by the dust or the elements from soil (earth), water, air and energy (heat) from the external environment and lasts until death. After death, this physical body disintegrates and the elements from the dust or soil (earth), water, air and energy (heat) rejoin the external environment. Ultimately, after the death of the being, nothing remains of the physical body. Therefore, this physical life or physical body is impermanent.

The four physical elements, popularly called earth (the dust or the elements from soil), water, fire (or energy or heat) and wind (air) are to be understood as the primary qualities of matter. They are named respectively pathavi- dhatu, apo-dhatu, tejo-dhatu and vayo-dhatu in Pali language. The above four elements are defined as follows :- Whatever is characterized by hardness is the earth or solid-element ; by cohesion or fluidity, the water element ; by heating, the fire (energy) or heat-element ; by strengthening or supporting, the wind or motion-element. All four are present in every material object, though in varying degrees of strength. If for instance, the earth element predominates, the material object is called ‘solid’, if the water element predominates, the material object is called ‘liquid’, etc. These four elements or natural meanings of pathavi (earth), apo (water), tejo (fire or energy) and vayo (air) are known as the Satara Maha Dhatu or Satara Maha Bhuta. Thus, all the beings in the universe and those that are born, in fact, all the conscious and unconscious objects or things are composed of these four great elements (Satara Maha Dhatu) or four great spirits (Satara Maha Bhuta). Neither these four great elements (Satara Maha Dhatu) nor the four great spirits (Satara Maha Bhuta) are permanent or eternal, and these Satara Maha Dhatu or Satara Maha Bhuta are a dharma that arises due to causes and ceases when the causes cease. This is the description I have summarized in the 11.08.04 diagram above.

I have the originals of the diagrams or line drawings I presented above if you are interested and there is a need in looking at them.

In addition to the knowledge and information I have presented above so far, there is much knowledge and information to be presented about the universe, universal theories, universal laws, universal truths, human mind and human behaviors related to “The Realizations Through Meditation”, but I hope to present them later. I hope to present them in the future as time, opportunity and space allow.

I have one more special point to mention here. That is, I had not studied or learnt Holy Qur’an, Holy Bible, Holy Bhagavadgeetha and Veda scriptures or at least Holy Thripitakaya  ( Although I was a Buddhist by birth, I had not studied Holy Thripitakaya and any other important Buddhist scriptures. Here I must say that although I am a Buddhist by birth, I have loved and respected all four major religions – Islam, Catholicism or Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism- since my childhood) and any other Buddhist scriptures, by the time I got the knowledge and information about the universe, universal theories, universal laws, universal truths, human mind and human behaviors which I realized by myself after meditating and having a meditative mind and through dreams. Thus, by the time I first gained knowledge and information, I was only practicably growing and mastering Islam prayers, Catholic and Christian prayers, Hindu chants, Yoga exercises, Yoga meditations ( Pranayama) and Buddhist meditations as a result of my spiritual research or spiritual journey which I started on 02.01.1999. I am not going to elaborate on them at this time, and I hope to present them in the “The Key To The Universe” or “My Spiritual Research in Detail” section in the future. (Here I have presented the knowledge and information gained through dreams in the section “Archives” on my website (My personal web-address is ; ) under the title “Revelations Through Dreams” or “Day to Day Warnings” and you can view them if you wish. I presented a part of the knowledge and information realized while in meditative mental state after meditation as above as “The Realizations Through Meditation”). Thus, I began to study Holy Qur’an (the holy book of Islam), Holy Bible (the holy book of Catholicism and Christianity), Holy Bhagavadgeetha (one of the holy books of Hinduism) and Holy Thripitakaya (Holy Thripitakaya is the main set of holy books of Buddhism. I studied Holy Thripitakaya to some extent and am still studying) and some other important Buddhist scriptures about five years later, after receiving the knowledge and information through dreams and meditation. Years later, I completed that study. After studying these holy books here, I have confirmed that the knowledge and information about the universe, universal theories, universal laws, universal truths, human mind and human behaviors that I have received through dreams and meditation that I realized myself when I was in a meditative mind after meditating, are true and accurate.

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