The money that you earn by your labor, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, sweat and time must never be spent or wasted for showing off. The emotion or thought of showing off is aRead More…
24.05.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
If you are hundred percent accurate and hundred percent correct and if you have done everything to the rule or to the scale and if you have followed all the disciplines properly,Read More…
25.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
When you stay, live, work, move, associate and unite together with human-butchers, human-slaughters and human-prosecutors for various kinds of purposes, who kill, slaughter or prosecute their own human-beings either through physically orRead More…
20.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
You think and imagine for a moment that the most beautiful, the most well-shaped, the most attractive, the prettiest, the most gorgeous, the most amorous, the sexiest, the most amative energetic young,Read More…
10.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
When you are searching for your fiancĂ© (e), you must try to find by any means, the perfect one who is the echo of your own voice. The echo is the reflectionRead More…
09.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
Really your mind is similar to a piece of chewed chewing-gum or a gum-ball. Almost all of the time, as like as a piece of chewed chewing-gum or a gum-ball, your mindRead More…
08.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
Throughout your entire life, wherever you are, wherever you will be, may be at the bottom, bottom, bottom of society, community, country or world or may be at the top, top, topRead More…
06.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
You will never and must never change, vary or never allow to change or never allow to vary your basic, main targets because of any of worldly things under any circumstances. NotRead More…
05.04.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
01. On your way towards your targets, you may meet or confront thousands of good and bad, better and worse or the best and the worst people. Although they are good, betterRead More…
08.01.01-Day to day warnings (Revelations through dreams)
During your journey through human society or human community, you may face or confront with innumerable number of different types, sorts, kinds and varieties of photographers of old era, modern era andRead More…